One of the must underrated games in recent history.

User Rating: 9.3 | Serious Sam II PC
Fans of the series may be displeased by some of the differences between Serious Sam 2 and its predecessors. While I myself haven't played the other games in the series, I greatly enjoyed Serious Sam 2 and find it to be one of the funnest games to have been released in years. Despite its budget price, this game has a ton of content and can make for a very enjoyable experience.

Serious Sam 2 definitely has some of the most unique and enjoyable combat of modern shooters. The first few levels can be considered rather simple, but the game quickly becomes intense and challenging. Many fights include hundreds of enemies and may require half an hour or more of continuous shooting. Don't let that fool you into assuming the game is simple, though. Quick thinking and combat strategy are essential; not to mention reflexes and skill.

As far as diversity goes, this game is king. There are over forty-five unique enemies present in the game, meaning you'll constantly be coming across new things to kill. And with fifteen weapons that do anything but conform to the standard FPS arsenal, you won't be running out of new ways to slaughter your prey any time soon. In addition, the forty levels spread across seven different environments will ensure that you won't get sick of the scenery while you're on your rampage.

If all those nice, large numbers weren't enough to convince you of Sam's value, you might like to hear that Serious Sam 2 also offers plenty of replayability. There are several difficulty settings, including the nearly impossible 'Serious' difficulty. I can promise that even the most hardcore of FPS fanatics will be able to find challenge in this game. In addition, there are loads of well-placed secret areas. Most of which include hilarious movie, game, and cultural references.

If you're a fan of Duke Nukem 3D, stop reading this review right now and buy Serious Sam 2. This game borrows a lot of elements from Duke and even includes several direct references to the classic series. Plus, if you're in the mood for the same kind of over-the-top FPS experience that hasn't been seen since the era of Nukem, this is pretty much the only way you'll be getting your fix.

The graphics and sound aren't exceptional, but they aren't bad either. Besides, when you have over a hundred enemies charging you simultaneously, I doubt you'll be taking time out to complain about the texture quality of the grass. The artwork is befitting of the series, however, and there's nothing specific to complain about. I suspect many gamers will enjoy the bizarre, colorful designs in contrast to the unimaginative patterns established by many other games in the FPS genre. I'd recommend listening to your own music over that which is included in the game. The voice acting, however, is quite good, and the sound effects aren't bad either. Don't buy this game for the aesthetics, though.

If you're looking for a purely fun gaming experience that still presents a challenge while offering enough extra content to keep virtually anyone interested, this game is for you. If you've become accustomed to somewhat realistic shooters that take themselves seriously and present cutting-edge graphical technology, perhaps it's time to expand your tastes a little bit. Either way, Serious Sam 2 is a solid choice for virtually any gamer.