Graphical, well-done new version of Serious Sam that has good gameplay and unmatched enemies and design!

User Rating: 9.5 | Serious Sam II PC
I read a lot of reviews and I think sometimes people just miss the pure fun and delight that goes into a game by being biased or by making the wrong judgement. The whole Serious Sam series has been a delight for me since the beginning and the game looks better than the original First and Second Encounter. I do admit the first series of games had that nice continuous Egyptian theme and huge open spaces, but what Serious Sam II does is add to the graphics engine with a refined and new update for more refined detail in unique and unexpected ways and add new enemies and bosses. Plus as anyways knows in this game series, you almost always need God mode at some point in this game especially at the higher difficulty settings. It is a known fact that the Serious Sam games have more enemies on stage at one time coming at you that are nerve-rackingly fun at the same time but very intense also. These games will always push your graphics harder because of that extra graphic detail and movement activity that never seems to grow old. But this is also what makes this game series so much fun, and I even find myself going back to the original series to, not always remembering everything thankfully, so it makes a good experience time and time again. FPS (First-Person Shooter)games have that nice first person feel and envelopment which is why Serious Sam games are so enjoyable to begin with and stand out from the other shooter games. Very well done! I give it a 9.5 for sure!