The most lazy, repetitive crap made in years, worse than Duke Nukem

User Rating: 3 | Serious Sam 3: BFE PC
I had expectations for this one, and was very disappointed.

Previous SS games have been very ambitious, but this terribly sloppy Cash in is just not worth being called SS. Draw a temple, a palm tree and some sand and copy it 10000 times. Then you have SS3. The result is ugly repetitive level design, that seems miles away from the Second Encounter, which was a fantastic game. Variation, cleverly designed levels and puzzles. That is what this game totally lacks. The entire game takes place in Egypt, and there are two scenery variations, city and desert. There's no map, so one get's lost all the time, because the entire level consists of these copied Blocks and no map exists.

The story is not even worth mentioning, so all this has going for is a mediocre shooter, you just want to get through, to get some value for the Money you have wasted.
This terrible scam is so bad, you shouldtn't even play it if you got paid under 100$ by Croteam, for the effort and wasted time of your life. It is by far the worst SS game ever made, and this series is dead. Maybe the whole Croteam staff should find new jobs.