jajaja im the first in review these game and im very happy these game is so strange for an lain game

User Rating: 9.5 | serial experiments lain PS
OK These is my review for the game Serial Experiments Lain For the Playstation for the begining i say these game is really strange you use lain in the wired an play images tapes and others things of lain an her doctor .
the story is realy a part of the original although these is the first history creat before the animete serie and the lain is a little different than the original and the others personajes like Arisu and Masami eiri non exist and the history is very diferent and the personality of lain is Super really diferent in the game is EMO and the place of the game is a city and in the anime is a town.
The grafic are very simples the only image game is Lain in the middle of wired uping and downing, the music is really strange is like a music box sounding and the sond when the personaje talkin are very strange but still cool.
The final of the game is really diferent than the serie and more sad and lain is more evil than the serie.
Ok i thing these is all for these review i thing the raiting for gamespot originaly is a non raiting but for my the greatest fan of lain is a 9.5 forthe new history