An open-ended Legend of Zelda for adults. Deviously addictive!

User Rating: 9.1 | Sentient PC
Sentient is one of the greatest role-playing/adventure games ever made. And you can pick this baby up from the bargain bin for less than $10. The impressive graphics are detailed and highly stylized. How many Brand New games have you played that featured over 60 unique characters with distinct faces? This game has it, and it was made in 1997! The sound, admittedly, is the weakest part of the game. Almost all of the dialogue, except for the cut scenes, is text, and the backround ambient noises become repetitive. In turns of gameplay, Sentient is perhaps the only game ever made that gives you true control over your character. Mr. Sherova can, and will, say anything you can dream of. There are literally hundreds of dialogue options—imagine getting to micromanage every noun, verb, and adjective of your sentence. You’ve got to be insane not to love this. You start as a lowly medic, but if you master the art of conversing, you get to become a "General" of sorts, in full command of everybody on ship. For example, you can tell the Colonel to fetch you the red key card, and fetch it he will. To command your crew, make sure you use the appropriate facial expression. Don’t be afraid to scowl! Every once in a while, Mr. Sherova will pass out, waking up in a mystical labyrinth. This is the best part of the game. You get to explore a deviously complex maze for 30 minutes, repeating the words "Gia? Gia? Gia?" It really diversifies the gameplay, and provides an amusing challenge. If you like freedom and open-ended gameplay, Sentient is for you. In all, the game had 9 different endings, so you’ll want to play it many times over (I’m still not sick of it). Are you up to the challenge? Can you help Mr. Sherova find Gia once and for all? Gia? Gia? Gia? -Tankers