While it lacks a lot of polish, Sensible Soccer 2006 is a great step in the right direction.

User Rating: 6.6 | Sensible Soccer 2006 PS2
You're a goal scoring superstar hero... Oh yes, there are still thousands of people who have not forgotten that song. And the game attached to it.
Sensible Soccer was one of the top soccer series throughout the early-mid-nineties. And here is finally a new, original Version!

When you first look at Sensi 2006, you may feel like you have been warped 10 years back in time. When you play it, it will feel like 15 years. Sensible Soccer 2006 is basically a restart of the series, and it can be compared to the original Sensible Soccer and not to the Sensible World Of Soccer series.

If you like games like Fifa Soccer or Pro Evolution Soccer - Sensi may not be the right game for you. It was always a fast and fun game, with extremely "over-the-top" physics (not even Roberto Carlos could add that much spin to a ball), but simple control. You want 24 Button Control with an option to adjust the angle of how the foot hits the ball when you shoot? Forget it. Sensible Soccer has 4 Buttons - Shoot, Pass, Sprint, and a Button to exchange players. No "off the ball" player control or anything of those fancy things that just raise the bar to accessibility - Sensi 2006 is a game that you pick up and just play.

Well, Gameplay. As I mentioned earlier, Sensi 2006 does not pick up where Sensible World of Soccer left in 1997, but it is comparable to the original Sensible Soccer - so the management features have gone. You still have your standard modes (Exhibition, League/Tournament, an editing mode etc.). The names are not officially licensed, so you don't have the real names in there. Fortunaately, the names were just altered a bit so that you always see who is who.

The Game plays as fast as the original Sensi - no long interruptions, even after goals or fouls you will just briefly be interrupted. That is a huge improvement compared to some other Football games as Sensi is 0% show and 100% action. Unfortunately, the game does lack quite a bit of polish here and there. Starting with the AI: The Goalkeepers are just stupid. Scoring goals against the computer was never a problem in any Sensi game, but on Sensi 2006 it is really a bit too easy. The Sound is nothing spectacular - you got a Remix of the "Goal Scoring Superstar Hero"-Song (which is really one of the high points) but then you will hear the Audience during the game - the commentary is gone. Graphics-Wise, the Developers decided to take the original Sensible Formula and adapt it to the year 2006. The result is an interesting, yet original Cel Shading, Big Head, almost South Park look. It is not bad, but it could have gotten a bit more attention here and there. At least, the players do resemble the original persons a little bit, which makes it more unique. But then, the camera is a step back: It is a bit too near to the action, so with constant scrolling, it can get rather confusing, especially because there is no radar in the game.

But then again, Sensible Soccer was never about Graphics, Sound or playing against the computer - Sensi was always "2 Players, 2 Joysticks, 2 Half Times" and the Multiplayerpart really gives back the old feeling. Playing against other people is what you want if you buy this game. Unfortunately though, the game does not have online play - that's a wasted chance.

So the bottom line is really "Almost, but not quite". Sensible Soccer 2006 is the first step in the right direction, but it does lack quite a few things. What we really want is a new Sensible World of Soccer. Codemasters already announced plans to continue the series, and I'm really excited about the future.

Right now, budget-priced Sensible Soccer 2006 can give you back a lot of the good ol' Sensi-Feeling if you play it in multiplayer.

I will just never understand why an UK-company called the game "Soccer" rather than "Football", but then again, Sensible Software always had an interesting sense of humor.