If you're looking like for a Rally game, go buy DiRT

User Rating: 3.5 | Sega Rally Revo X360
Now I know this game is supposed to feel arcadey and the loose controls are there on purpose but come on. It feels like I'm watching my 2 year old cousin zoom his toy cars around the kitchen floor. The graphics pale in comparison to every racing game on the 360 (besides PGR3) and the terrain deformity doesn't do much to affect your driving through the courses besides the appearance, and that's quite the letdown because I was hoping for some intersting racing from that. Honestly I don't know where I got the 3.5 points I gave this game because besides the fact that it's entertaining for a race or two to drive around holding down the gas non-stop, it loses it's fun within 15 minutes of popping it into your console. In the end, I would definitely not recommend this game to anyone without a mindless 7 year old that they need to entertain for a few hours.

360 owners, go buy DiRT
PS3 owners, Motorstorm's best for you