Sega Genesis Collection is a awesome collection of games, including three Phantasy Stars and more Genesis classics.

User Rating: 9.5 | Sega Genesis Collection PSP
Sega Genesis Collection contains some of the finest Genesis games (28 total) but excludes some of the greatest games such as Eternal Champions and the rest of the Shinobi series. It also includes some of the not so great games such as three Ecco games, Bonanza Bros., Flicky, and the Genesis version of Virtua Fighter 2 (not the arcade version, that one rocked). However it makes up for this loss by including three Phantasy Star games, two Sonic games, three Golden Axe games (including one never released in America), and two Vectorman games. Some other great features added is a Museum feature which lets you look at the box art and watch some interviews and some other extras like cheats. The downside, no manuals. Some games don't need them but games like Phantasy Star really need them. You can also easily unlock five Sega arcade games: Astro Blaster, Congo Bongo, Eliminator, Space Fury, and Super Zaxxon. The unlockable arcade games are diffferent in the PlayStation 2 version. You can also scale the games to fit on the PSP's widescreen and save at anytime. Another reason to get the PSP version is because it has multiplayer mode for the games, for the first time!

Gameplay (9/10)
Perfect replication of the originals, other reviews noted of a small, almost unnoticeable sound glitch but I haven't noticed it. The menu isn't that bad either. But I wish the manuals were included.

Graphics (10/10)
Perfect replications, you can't rate old games on graphics because if you did the graphics score would be zero.

Sound (8/10)
The sound on the Genesis wasn't that good and they didn't try to improve it, there was also a small glitch, see gameplay.

Value (10/10)
Great collection of games, even though some were missing it deserves a perfect score!

Tilt (10/10)
I will tilt the score with a perfect ten because this is a unappreciated game that passed under gamer's radars and should be purchased due t o the great selection of games and the inclusion of the Museum and extra arcade games.