Good old sega is back the way it was ment to be!

User Rating: 10 | Sega Genesis Collection PSP
boy do i love sega, it was my first consel and it kicked the SNES ass for gameplay in my view. Sonc makes his debut here with Sonic 1 and 2 (the best ones so dont worry!) Ecco is back! (three of them!) Phantsy STAR! yay! (also three of thouse) and thats about where the good games end and all you get is crap fillers but that fact aside its freakin fun and when your out on the bus, why not load up good old sonic 2 and spend some time? its fun and it brings me back to the good old 16-bit era! Dont worry its flawlessly put together with no bugs and its totatly playable too! have fun gameing!