An amazing and faithful time warp back to the days of 2D graphics and solid, intriguing gameplay.

User Rating: 9 | Sega Genesis Collection PSP
I owned a Sega Genesis back in the day, and before that I owned a Sega Master system. I remember the heated competition between Nintendo and Sega for the heart of gamers everywhere. The Genesis was an amazing game machine, and had great games. I think the majority of those Genesis games have withstood the test of time, and this re-creation is almost perfect. The selection of titles was well conceived, and the value of this game package cannot be beat. I've played all three of the Phantasy Star series games, entertaining me for well over a hundred hours. Where else can you find that value in gaming? And then there is Sonic, a game that was revolutionary at the time of it's introduction, and you get not one, but two Sonic games to entertain you for hours. There are other titles that should have perhaps made the collection, many titles that I would have love to have seen included, but overall this package contains quality games, that almost perfectly emulate the original Genesis games, and offer unheard of value to the true gamer. The whole beauty of it is, I can sit in my recliner, and play games like Phantasy Star 4 for hours, and watch my favorite TV show simulataneously. I have a number of other titles for the PSP, all 3D. all rated very high, and they are fun to play for short periods of time, but they can't compare to the fun and intricate gameplay contained in this collection.