A game I really wanted to enjoy.

User Rating: 6 | Broken Sword: The Angel of Death PC
Well, we all like to play adventure games and there are not many titles popping up nowadays. Broken Sword games have always been fun to play so when this game caught my eye I rented it - thank god! The first and biggest problem I had were the graphics. My lower-end PC has an ATI 9500 PRO gfx-card in it and this game was laggy as HELL, even when I turned down the graphics and everything. I had to manually edit the games .ini files to get various poorly written game-engine crap disabled and game run smoothly.

But the game was fun. Puzzles were cool and quite hard, despite the linear game-play. I really enjoyed the dialoge - made me rip some of the dialoge from the .pak files :) And when a game makes my laugh, I like it. There are huge cons here; graphics, unskippable dialogue, very very very crappy character-movement, camera angle, and boring ending. But the fun-part scales cons down a bit.

So, if you can, rent the game.