A must play for anyone who considers themselves a true RPG fan.

User Rating: 9 | Secret of Evermore SNES
There is something about this game I can't put my finger on, it think its the charm of it all. A teenage boy going on an adventure with his dog, its every boy's dream.

Graphics: The colors are always fresh and never look bad. The enemies never look to unrealistic (if you understand what I mean). The environments are interesting and detailed for its time and the different environments keeps everything fresh.

Gameplay: This is an RPG so don't expect to much. I never found combat boring, it was always a fun challenge. You attack in real time, like an action game but you level up and game magic spells too (called alchemy in the game).

Sound: The Exotic sound of the jungles and the roar of the market set an atmosphere like no other on the SNES. This game lacks any good sound tracks like in other RPG's, there are no tunes you will hum in your head later, but with a game this entertaining music doesn't matter.

Value: I will never forget this game. It was an experience that I looked forward to every time I turned it on, I looked forward to leveling up my character and each weapon because it never got old. After beating it I started another play through right away.

This game has flaws but they are minor and don't ruin the experience. This is an adventure of a lifetime and a game I have always wanted to play. Some bosses are easier than others and some are harder but either way it is fun. If you don't have a SNES get an emulation if you can because if your an RPG fan this is a MUST play.