Buy this if you're 3 (Review)

User Rating: 4 | Sea World: Shamu's Deep Sea Adventures PS2
PS2 A Big Whale!

[Sea World: Shamu's Deep Sea Adventure PS2]
Buy this if you're 3 (Review)

Bottom Line 4/10
I support games that grow with the player -- they may start simple, but give something for growing players to gnaw on and explore. It's pretty and it sounds good, but there's really no game here. It's very kid friendly since no one dies and it helps kids develop a kindness toward animals.

Graphics 8/10
Honestly, one of the better looking titles I have seen for the PS2.

Gameplay 2/10
The easiness is the only thing it has going for it. There is little freedom of activity. It's not fun. Even though you use the analog joystick to control the whale, there is no sensitivity to control. It is the same as using the D-Pad. And the movement is extremely slow. The hardness settings on the game do things like make you grab air bubbles more quickly so you don't run out and removing the arrows so you don't know where to go or don't know where to pick up barely visible objects or discover a hard time avoiding an octopus that wants to beat the crap out of you. I find that these serve as more of annoyances than an interesting challenge.

Sound 8/10
I've got to give dibs here. Although the narration can get annoying if you're not 3, the sound effects and symphonic music are surprisingly decent.

I am 28 and I adore Sonic and Mario. Just because game characters are cute, doesn't mean there is not solid gameplay for adults.

However, Sea World: Shamu's Deep Sea Adventure proves those elements don't necessarily mean good gameplay either.

This game is very basically a lets follow the trail and collect little items along the way game.

One day my neighbor came over and told me -- dang it: you've got to try Echo the dolphin. It's so fun! I was skeptical at first, but when I first played Echo the Dolphin it Sega Genesis, I was amazed. This was Sonic underwater! The absolute first thing that pulls you in is the free-feeling of being underwater and being able to move in any direction -- fast! But after you learn how to master swimming as Echo, you undertake a whole new world of complex underwater levels with things to find and overcome.

Shamu's Deep Sea Adventure is the utter opposite of that -- It's a follow-the-leader game where you guide Shamu through a bunch of narrated scenes where if you touch the right item you win.

Shamu's Deep Sea Adventure is beautiful to look at. The screenshots tell that story. But after you get bored with the repetitive graphics, there is almost nothing else this gave has to offer except a narrated walk through at about 2 miles per hour that a three year old could do. Trust me -- rent a sea movie.

There is no real adventure -- no real sense of freedom and feeling of controlling a powerful creature of the sea.

Don't get me wrong -- for it's intended audience -- people who could enjoy the Kiddie rides -- this game has some reasonable my-first-game experiences lined up for it.

But don't expect depth or anything past the first grade.