Scribblenauts really is a fun game if you like to play for minutes at a time, but any longer and the novelty wears out.

User Rating: 6.5 | Scribblenauts DS
I was very excited when I saw Scribblenauts in action. It's a very simple concept you write a word and that word appears on screen to help you with puzzles. The only problem is the puzzles are usually very boring. Now I know this game is about using my imagination but a lot of the time the puzzles are so linear you automatically think of the easy way of solving them. The games controls are also very bad. And there are times where you're trying to connect objects together or move and you'll try it for at least 30 seconds at times. Of course you get use to it eventually but these things shouldn't be a problem. Another problem with the puzzles is sometimes object interaction is limited. You'll want two objects to do one thing but they won't do it, so you're left with your head scratching or taking an easy way out again.

All in all the game is fun if you don't have much time on your hands and you want to play a level or two in your spare time. But more then that a day and the novelty wears off. The best part about the game is actually the main menu where you can write different objects in and see how they interact. It's not a puzzle but you can see just how many objects are in the game, all the internet memes, and all the funny interactions between things (type in Satan and Evangelist).