It was good, but just fell short of what I expected It to be.

User Rating: 7.5 | Scribblenauts DS
I did like it, but it became very repetitive and boring after a while.
I had to use the same objects for near identical missions.

It was insanely easy to begin with, but became stupidly hard.
The best thing about this game is the shear amount of words they fitted into it, but they could have utilised them a lot better, as most of them were useless.

It was quite disappointing considering the hype given to it. I was expecting a perfect game,one to change the world of gaming as we know it. I now wish I had spent the money and time playing this game on Prof Layton or Mario and Luigi.

The Scene Developer confused me, so I left it as be, so don't ask me about it.

Overall, It's a good game, but it is repetitive after the first few levels.
I suggest buying it if you have a brillant mind for puzzles or find it for a bargain.