Scratches is a mysterious thriller that will have you wondering what happens next.

User Rating: 8.1 | Scratches PC
Scratches is a game that's designed to be part thriller (horror), part mystery, and part adventure. The game was put together by a couple of dedicated gamers and their musician. It starts off simple enough (don't they all?): writer Michael has just purchased an old Victorian home - a place to quietly work on his book - and the game begins when he first arrives there to move in. The place is old, but it's the perfect atmosphere for Michael to continue writing. Armed with a trusty typewriter, he's ready to get settled.

That's where the game begins and you take over as Michael. The game plays out over three days. Much of your time initially is spent getting a feel for the house and grounds, taking into account what's there and what you see around you. Further exploration reveals creepy rooms on the inside and decrepit buildings on the outside. Reading through notes and journals left behind, Michael finds that the house he purchased has a very interesting history. What happened to the previous owner? What went on with the Blackwood family? It's up to Michael to find out. Alone in the house to figure out everything on his own; although, there was the weird scratching sound coming from the basement the other night...

All of your controls while playing the game are done through the use of one cursor that looks like a hand. If you can look closely at something, it will hold a magnifying glass. If you can pick up or open something, it will turn into a grabbing hand. The index finger will point in a specific direction if you can turn or move that way. You can look up, down, and all around, but there is an option to play in slideshow mode if all that looking around becomes a bit much. In examining your inventory, items can be clicked on for a description, or combined with other objects.

The game is not meant to be fast-paced, nor will there be zombies jumping out from dark corners that need to be blown away with the latest gun you might have acquired. The purpose of the game is to simply be the character, exploring the environment, and figuring out what's going on. Nothing is ever as simple as it seems and while some things will come to you naturally, other times you may have to think about what needs to be done. The game, for the most part, is logically designed. Not super easy, but not overly difficult. Sections of the game that I found easy, others found hard, and vice versa, so I can't comment too much on the difficulty level of the game.

The atmosphere of Scratches sets the mood. From the dusty old rooms with creepy paintings on the walls, to the overgrown bushes outside, visually you'll feel like you've stepped into Michael's shoes. The sound is what furthers the spookiness. The music is subtle, but keeps things going as you're wandering through everything. A game's soundtrack really enhances the playing experience and just listening to the songs even when not playing, conjures up memories of what it was like to make that new discovery or come to a particular conclusion.

The thrills and chills one experiences while playing are based on what you see, as well as what you think you might see, and even what you don't see at all! I got more fearful by what I thought might happen and then when something did happen, I was so worked up I had to take a break from playing. The scare factor is on par with games like Shivers, The Blackstone Chronicles, or Amber: Journeys Beyond.

I enjoyed my time playing Scratches. It's the type of game that's invoked fun discussions among other gamers and myself long after finishing. I think you get out of Scratches what you put into it - there are hints and subtle clues you might not pick up on the first time playing, but will catch your eye the second time through. At first glance, the mystery might seem like one thing, but then will become something else when given a second thought. What really happened is for you to decide!