Gamespot reviewer is dead wrong. This is an *Excellent* traditional adventure game.

User Rating: 9.1 | Scratches PC
This game has everything most adventure gamers are looking for in a traditional first person adventure. It is atmospheric (at times to the point of being unnerving), and I find the artwork quaint and not the least bit ‘ugly’ as it lends well to the overall experience of the game. Technologically it is a throwback to the tried-and-true game play of traditional adventure games of the past, and while this seems to be a downside in the eyes of the reviewer from this site, being on the cutting edge of technology simply to present the illusion of advancement is the plight of many games on today’s market.

… And as for the ‘slow’ pace (concerning plot as well as movement in general) begrudged by Gamespot’s reviewer – I find the flow of the game completely fitting (this isn’t a First Person Shooter…) and expect most players will be content with the games progression.

*Very much worth the retail price (and then some).*