What's that sound???

User Rating: 9 | Scratches PC
Scratches horror adventure game does not disappoint. The story from beginning to end keeps you wanting to move on even if the atmosphere is creepy and dark. The music and sound effects greatly add to the Erie atmosphere. Graphics are very well done and the Victorian style house in the outskirts of a small town was a great choice of location. The puzzles in the game required some thinking but not to the extent of detracting from the game. The story flowed well and kept you on the edge of your seat. There were some twists as the game went on and the ending was great. Even though you did not actually see anybody else in the game the characters were very well done. The voices for the characters were well played out. The use of the whole house and the surrounding grounds for puzzle solving and to unfold the plot was well executed. Learning time for this game is minimal and you can get in and exploring right away. Great game, well worth the money