
User Rating: 7.8 | Scratches PC
When I started this game, I though it might be different. It was, in a way, but I just couldn't get into it like other games. Maybe I'm just picky, I don't know. I understand great visuals ,environments, and sounds, they do truly help to immerse you into the world of the game you're playing...but c'mon...another point and click adventure...yay...add a little more freedom into the game and I might have had a little more fun. I did enjoy the puzzles which always add a great deal of difficulty into it, and I guess it could up the learning curve to the slightest degree. If you just want another game to add to your collection, this is it, that's all it is. All in all, I wasn't knocked back by the game, I had fun, but it was just another in a stick-a-fork-in-it-it's-done genre. I guess I'll stick to the action/adventure, RPG, Shoot'em Up style games.