Bringing back the old 8-bit day's of arcade beat'em style fun. Has it's up's and down's however. Still good non-theless.

User Rating: 9 | Scott Pilgrim vs. the World: The Game PS3
Good old-fashion arcade style beat'em up's never get old. Scott Pilgrim vs. The World doesn't fail to deliver satisfaction. Good amount of play time, and even usually make's you wanting more. Enough secret's to keep you busy for awhile as well, plus with up to 4 player co-op make's the fun last even more. However, only down side to that which most find disappointing is a lack of online. Even tho without the online, and you can't get some friend's to come have a blast at your house with this game, single-player is still just as fun, and addictive. With up to 4 Character's, plus a bonus character to unlock, the fun will last for quite awhile. This game is most certainly worth the 10.00$ price. If you havn't seen the movie, or read the comic book's based around it, you can still enjoy it no matter what. Scott Pilgrim vs. The World is most certainly for the certain someone who enjoy's the classic arcade beat'em up, or just someone who's looking for something new to try out. Don't pass this game by. I recommend purchasing it. Can alway's try out the demo first too.