Scott Pilgrim vs. the World demonstrates

User Rating: 10 | Scott Pilgrim vs. the World: The Game PS3
First off, let me just go ahead and state that the credits to this game are LONG. With that given, it's safe to say that a lot of Asians, ahem, I mean people have worked their butts off to produce this game. The 6.5 rating gamespot gave it is a little too low for my liking. The game doesn't support co-op online, but that shouldn't take away from its score by any means. I was fortunate enough to beat the game with a friend of mine, and let me tell you, it was an awesome experience! It's references to old games like mario, final fight, streets of rage, megaman, sonic, final fantasy (and many more) include elements like music, weapons, fighting styles, fighting moves, store locations and items. Each character has a set of special moves that can only be unlocked through leveling him/her up. You can collect money to up your stats as well. A word of advice, collect as much money as you can! You can't go wrong with buying this game. Definitely give it a shot!