
User Rating: 1 | Scott Pilgrim vs. the World: The Game PS3
To start off I am a huge Scott Pilgrim fan and have read all 6 of the OGN, as it is one of my favorite comics to date, since I heard about the game I've been dying to play it. Today I made a big mistake and decided to buy it the second it came out, unfortunately I haven't been able to play it due to glitches.

I tried playing the game 6 times, 4 of the times it froze while loading the first level. One of the times it worked but had constant glitches with the sound not working. One of the times it loaded then shortly glitched out after the level started and enemies wouldn't appear and it didn't let me advance any farther in the level.

The bottom line is to stay away from this game until it is fixed, if you get it right now theres a good chance all you be able to do is see the opening menu.