More games than Brett!!!

User Rating: 5.5 | Scooby-Doo! and the Spooky Swamp PS2
This game is totally boring. That is not what this review is about though. The fact is, I have more games than Brett. He is very upset about this and is constantly trying to cheat in order to get more games than me. It will never work. He should give up and sell all his games and become a monk. Once again I have WAY more games than Brett. If Brett ever even got close to me in number of games it would only be because I happened to die or go into a coma. I have sooooooooooo many more games than Brett.

Who you ask has more games than Brett? I Do.

Thank you for you're support.

And don't forget, when it comes to games, I have more than Brett.

Also I need to make this review at least 800 characters long so I have to keep on telling you that I have more games than Brett.

Brett tries to get his girlfriend to help him cheat to get more games than me, but alas, even together I have far more games than Brett.

Brett may lie and say that he has more games than me.......don't believe him, he is a trickster and will try to fool you. The fact is I have more games than Brett.

Thanks again and may God have Mercy on Brett's soul.

P.S. I have more games than Brett