Scooby Doo Cyber Chase

User Rating: 2 | Scooby-Doo and the Cyber Chase GBA

A phantom virus escapes from a computer and goes back in or some nonsense. For some reason, the gang needs to go in and collect Scooby Snacks. This is explained via text, sometimes with a few quotes next to character portraits.

In the Hub, which is just a corridor leading to a few science labs. You need to find the room with a couple of discs to unlock 2 levels. After playing these levels, you need to find the next set of discs. It’s not difficult when there’s only 3 rooms - it’s just an inconvenience.

There are two types of level: side-scrolling levels with some basic platforming; and a chase on a Jet/Snow Ski.

The platforming levels are really basic. You can stun the enemies, and need to collect Scooby Snacks before reaching the exit. Some levels are split into sections and you need to meet the snack quota before moving on. Then there’s a boss fight which usually involves collecting projectiles to hit the boss with.

For the two chase levels, you move between lanes, collect Scooby Snacks, dodge hazards and the pursuing phantom. Sometimes the UI gets in the way or it’s unclear where the dangers are. At the end, you barely get any time to react, but need to collect the Scooby Snacks box or you fail.

Once you complete the levels, you have to choose who you think is behind the Phantom. Regardless of your choice, you are taken to the title screen. I wasn’t sure how you are even supposed to know.

I think the game only lasts around 30 minutes. It’s real barebones gameplay; clearly little thought went into this. The plot is a bit silly which doesn’t really fit the standard Scooby Doo plot, although was a straight-to-video movie (so probably was stupid). Graphically it is fine, and the full gang are playable characters so the game gets credit for that.