Board game meets video game.

User Rating: 8 | Scene It? Lights, Camera, Action X360
Scene It? is a fairly good game as far as I'm concerned. While this review obviously can't cover much, because it is quite literally the board game of "Scene It?" in video game format, I can cover the basics. Of course I'll go over Gameplay, Graphics, Sound, and Value. I'll remove my final comments section since this is a game only people who really know there movies should play (I'll cover this in a bit).

-Easy to pick-up
-Addictive if you like movies
-Sticks to movies and doesn't veer off
-Fairly good deal for $60
-Transitions well enough

-Not accessible to casual movie-goers
-No difficulty option
-Can't turn off the announcer
-Can't skip the introduction sequence to each game type
-Some game types just aren't fair, and as such, the multiple answers
-Sequentials is terrible
-The 4 "Big Button" controllers use batteries and cannot be recharged

Gameplay: The gameplay is very simplistic and addictive. I havn't played with the 4 controllers, but the layout is simple enough and they hold well so it's a good offer they included along with the game. Throughout the game you'll go through a variety of types tasking you with answering correctly. This is annoying in some places because it asks you questions not everybody knows, like how many Oscars that movie one. I respect the fact it's a movie-based trivia game, but maybe they should have added difficulty options. As it is now, the game itself isn't very accessible to just casual movie-goers, and more towards people who are middle-aged and know a lot about movies in general (Oscars, actors, what time movies came out). Some of the game types are outrageously hard, like Sequentials where you have to put 4 movies in order of when they came out which sounds easy, but try doing that yourself. Also, the time restricts you a bit, already counting down your points and time as you're still reading a lengthy question or surveying the answers. In all respects, it needs to score differently than just time. Overall the game is great but needs a bit of a patch-up for it's transition to the video game format. If anything, it's a really great party game, and it's great to watch the movie clips as well.

Graphics: This game doesn't focus on the spectacular graphics, and I understand it shouldn't, but for the few graphical things in the game (like the same character you've seen before walking into a movie theatre) could have at least had some time put into it. Locations for each game type are always the same (respectively to their rightful game type) but get tiring fast.

Sound: The announcer is annoying. The movie clips are nice and crisp, if not on the lower side in which you'll have the announcer yelling but the movie clips still very hard to hear. Otherwise, everything works.

Value: For $60 you get 4 controllers (which is great but requires batteries) and a game. You may just want to try it before you buy it, unless you're a big movie-goer or party host, in which case I'd recommend buying it. If you're all drunk during the party though, that's not the type of game this was made for since you have to pay careful attention. The achievements are 15% easy, 50% normal, and 35% hard. If you know your movies, all the achievements are fairly easy then.