Not as good as the movie series but great if you appreciate the films.

User Rating: 7.5 | Saw X360
If you don't like the Saw films. Then you can stop reading right here, because this game is not for you. If you like the Saw movies and watch the first film over and over, wondering what happened to ex-detective Tapp after his partner was obliterated by Jigsaw, then play this game. It has two endings, but one you can immediately tell is the true one. You don't have to read about the second game to know which is the true ending, at the end you can choose between two doors; give in to Tapp's obsession and find Jigsaw or be set free and allow the rest of the hostages there to be free as well.
There are a LOT of puzzles in this game and there's also quite a bit of combat, the toughest enemy is the final boss, Pig Head. This game has some moments that make you jump. The combat is pretty bad in this game too. The controls are a little odd but doesn't stray from the fact that this game keeps your adrenaline pumping.

Presentation: Menus are nice. It keeps to the Saw series.

Graphics: Unreal Engine was a great idea for this game, there could honestly have been nothing better but it could have used more polish. It's really buggy and out-dated.

Gameplay: Still spooky and the puzzles great trickier and trickier until they just annoy the piss out of you.

Sound: Creepy sound effects and soundtrack, what else could you ask for?

Lasting Appeal: Once you beat this game, you're done. Only reason to keep it is if you collect everything Saw.