Superb game. I'm sorry there aren't too many like this one.

User Rating: 9.2 | Sanitarium PC
I first heard of this game in 1999. Back then i didn't knew what i was missing. Six years later (in 2005) i finally had the chance to play it and i was amazed. The story is very impressive and the graphics are not that bad for a game that old. I spended a wonderfull weekend (day and night) playing it. The game just wouldn't let me go... i had to see how everything will be in the end. And i did. I can say now that SANITARIUM deserves it's place in the Adventure Classics just like The Longest Journey.
I liked everything about it, there were no bugs in it or anything and it WORKS flawless on XP. The sound and music was preety good. The animation was also very impressive for that time.
I'm just hoping i will see more games like this one. (good thing that TLJ was not forgotten and it will reappear soon).