User Rating: 8.9 | Sanitarium PC
Well...the only main thing i can say is....i was so sad to end the game....it is a game with a perfect story...i dont remember to play a game such paranoic like this one!I´m now crazy,because i can´t find any game that give mt such plasure to play like this one! I just can not stop to play it until i rich the end!!!
I was addicted to the PERFECT story!!you only understant the story on the final!It is very very very confuse but very very logical!!!

The only thing that may be frustrating is the gameplay...sometime its a quite wierd..until you played a bit!

I just say it one more time...play it!It is one of the best game i have ever played!! hope one day i can play a game like this one!!!

My Attributes is refering to the time the game has!!!