A fun game, but you may want to decide if your going to go straight for the finish, if so its a rental.

User Rating: 7.3 | Samurai Western: Katsugeki Samurai-dou PS2
Samurai western is a fun game. With the lack of Samurai games now a days its worth a look at. Gameplay - The gameplay in samurai western is what makes it what it is. Its very fast paced and action packed. Though the camera can get in the way and there are some graphical issues its still where the game seems to shine. One player mode is great and 2player just adds to the fun. The games difficulty is kind of rushed also. As long as you keep the block and dodge button mashed you should be perfectly fine. But its not as easy when not mashing the block. Value - The game also does fairly well in this category. There are tons of unlockables including hats and swords. Which add to your appearance and make the game appeal longer. To bad the actual game itself is short but if your one who likes to unlock alot of things then this will last awhile. Graphics - The graphics are good, and there are a few nice looking cutscenes and voice acting. But its nothing special. Dont go buying this game thinking it will have great cutscenes and graphics like DMC3 or something.