Better than Dynasty Warriors? Read to find out...

User Rating: 9.3 | Samurai Warriors XBOX
Gamplay: same as every other Warrior game but with a few new things... Like Dodge rolling and Massive battlegrounds. Its pretty much Dynasty Warriors with a Samurai look and feel. Nothing wrong with it its pretty much the same. 9

Graphics: Special effects look pretty good, the eviroments are pretty bland, the charecter models are excellent, and the art work is very cool to look at. 10

Sound: Wheres the fuedel metal!! Instead theres... Rave music... techo? I have no clue what it would be called but its pretty good but not as good as fuedel metal. The voic acting is OK but sometimes not so great... OH YEAH theres a girl thats played by a MAN voice acter!!! I forget the name but She/He is the one in the campain that is with the guy in the red cape. 8

Value: Pretty good since theres a V.S mode to play friends with. Its fun replaying battles in Free mode after beating a story. 9

Tilt: Better than Dynasty Warriors in my humble opinion but others might disagree overall any fan boy like me should buy it now!! Excuse me im going to go play it now. Later! 10