Situation: Comedy introduces some funny new characters to the scene, but the game is sadly over too soon.

User Rating: 8.3 | Sam & Max Episode 102: Situation: Comedy PC
Chances are if you are going to buy Situation: Comedy then you will already have played Culture Shock, which is probably a good thing. Although you can play this game by itself, you may not understand a line or two that relates to another episodes. The game also gives the feel that there is going to be one, big interlocking storyline throughout the season, so for the full experience it is probably best to play through in numerical order.

In Situation: Comedy Sam and Max have to try and stop a talkshow host called Myra Stump. She has been running her show non-stop for days and wont let her audiance go. It is now up to Sam and Max to drive over to the TV station and stop this. Of course Myra isn't going to let you just barge in there, so you have to get three items which all can be found on the other sets in the TV station. You have to star in a sitcom (which if you don't know where you're meant to be going with it, can get repetitive), trying and nab a recording contract on a singing show (hosted by two of the Soda Poppers and Max) and try and win a million dollars on a gameshow. You can of course still visit Sybil, Bosco and your office to help you solve the puzzles, but the downside here is that a lot of the lines are recycled.

The game still goes strong with its genually funny humour and characters, especially Hugh Bliss. The graphics still remain good and the jazzy music (as well as some new stuff for the new sets) remains in the game, which is good to know. Max also has a new voice, but luckily you can hardly notice, if at all. The TV sets are well designed are there are some neat touches here and there which will bring out a smile.

The fact this game is recycling characters and locations does knock off a few marks from the overall score, but not enough to make this game not playable, because the fact is you'll be spending more time in the new environments and listening to the new lines anyway. A must buy if you purchased and liked the previous game.