Sam and Max: Bright Side of the Moon ends the season on a high note.

User Rating: 8.6 | Sam & Max Episode 106: Bright Side of the Moon PC
Sam and Max Season 1 has had ups and downs throughout the season, but Bright Side of the Moon ends on a positive note. Everything you've come to expect from the season is here; funny jokes, interesting storylines and brilliant voice acting. This game wraps up all the loose ends in the story line and does it really well.

In the final game you get to find out who has been hypnotising everyone (early on in the game) and you must travel to the moon in your trusty Desoto to stop this evil person! There are many returning characters from the previous episodes which although might sound tiresome and cheap, works really well and fits into the story. There are some great new locations (obviously, since you're on the moon!) and the voice acting and graphics remain the high quality you've received through the previous episodes. The puzzles are harder than previous episodes, but not in the way that'll have you slamming your mouse against your desk and screaming for mercy. The final puzzle of the game is frustrating, however. You have a chance to figure out the puzzle, but if you don't figure it out you'll just keep going around in an annoying loop - you'll understand if you play it.

Overall, Sam and Max Season 1 has been an enjoyable experience and one that any respectable adventure gamer will not want to miss out on. Although Bright Side of the Moon may not be the best of the season, it is still up in the top three. Bring on Season 2!