A lot of games in past years have tried to do what GTA did. Saints Row succeeds.

User Rating: 8 | Saints Row X360
Saints Row is a very fun game. Not better than GTA but a lot easier. One major difference is how in Saints Row, Instead of having to play as a certain character. You create your own, which is a lot of fun. The game starts with you meeting Julius, the leader of the 3rd Street Saints. He invites you to join their gang which you do. Your goal to back Saints Row from the three rival gangs. You can choose to do each gang separately or complete different missions for different gangs at the same time. There are a lot of side missions that you must complete in order to do the main missions, the side missions are pretty easy and pretty fun. The side missions also make the game longer. The characters can sometimes get annoying but over all they are pretty smart and will help you in multiplayer missions. Now character will talk only four times the entire game. All of the missions are extremely easy and you should be done with the game pretty fast. Overall its a fun and enjoyable game to play.