User Rating: 9.5 | Sacred PC
To be honest, I never was a Diablo fan. The game was too repetitive and just down right boring, so when I heard that Sacred was going to be another Diablo clone, pretty much paid no attention to it. I ended up not spending any money on this game, in fact, I won it, so I thought that I would give it a try, and I loved it! Where Diablo was repetitive, this was original. The only draw back that I have to the game is the sound. As I was playing the voice acting for my main character was a little off. He kept saying these weird statements that were supposed to be funny, but in the wierdest locations. For instance, he says "What wonderful architecture, I wonderful if I can get my tower to look like this" in the middle of a field! This game has incredible reply value. It has 6 characters and each character can be developed differently eachtime. I highly recommend this game.