A must have for RPG fans!

User Rating: 10 | Sacred PC
An RPG fan from way back, I love games that let you explore, monsters that are a challenge and finding cool items in chests. This game provides all of that and much more. The world of Sacred is absolutely huge and exploring it at different difficulty levels with different characters makes the replay value of this game very high. The game also fits anyone's RPG style - hurry through completeling only the main quests or taking hours and hours to explore every nook and cranny picking up tons of loot. The game is fairly easy to learn (the in game tutorial is excellent) but mastering your character will take time and patience. I'm currently playing as the Wood Elf on bronze but may import her to silver at about level 25 and start with the Battle Mage or Gladiator again on bronze. It will be interesting working with different equipment. I only wish that equipment you cannot use would not be dropped. It's annoying and it will fill your inventory very quickly. With top-notch graphics, fairly non-linear gameplay and tons of quests, I highly recommend this game.