Set your hype to disappointing because this game is all style with no substance.

User Rating: 6 | RWBY: Grimm Eclipse - Definitive Edition NS

The good: The art style is as good as an anime, English dialogue is more welcoming than other games that's Japanese voice exclusive, co-op play for up to four players.

The bad: Lacks the Dynasty Warriors oomph, no tutorial, lack of easy difficulty for newcomers, grimm enemies can be a little overpowering, even with the counter added, lack of villain encounters which is the trademark of the cel shaded TV show, playing alone can be infuriating.

Up to this point, no one has known about this show. Simply between Volume 1 to 3, you get to control eight characters. Ruby, Weiss, Blake and Yang as RWBY and Jean, Nora, Pyrrah and Ren as JNPR. They all look good in their art style and before you roll your eyes, everyone speaks English which should be a relief. I mean games like Fairy Tail and Sword Art Online, despite its popularity has no English speaking actors which on one hand, you understand Japanese but on the other hand can detract others who is use to listen to English dialogue.

This issue in translating shows into videogames can have mixed results. Yes, it's a hack and slash game but it lacks the oomph you usually get if you play Dynasty Warriors or similar to that. Perhaps the most disheartening part of this game is the things that alienate newcomers. No tutorial, no easy difficulty, the same old enemies you see over and over again, no variety and worse of all, no villain encounters what so ever.

Perhaps the best part should be is to be designed for up to four players. When you play alone, it can be a pain to deal with hordes and hordes or grimms coming to attack you, causing you to do multiple tries. Even with the RPG added to make it easier. But having up to four players should be easier when dealing with hordes.

Still, it's a tough act when translating cartoons into videogames. Nailing the combat, pushing for the wow factor and finding ways to keep it interesting will always be challenging. It's decent with its art style and charm with multiple players in mind but the rest comes crumbling down. If you run out of steam from this game, Blazblue Cross Tag would be a better choice if you have an interest in fighting. Play this game with a group of friends is the only thing I could say as an advice so don't try this alone.