Stay away from this game, it is like a drug and it will consume your soul.

User Rating: 6 | RuneScape WEB
First off, I stand here today a former RuneScape player who has quit the game. Looking back, I laugh at how I wasted my time with that game because it is all repetition and consists of mediocre graphics at best and lag, lots of it. Here's the basic life of a RS player.

You start off on Tutorial Island, which is a complete waste of time. After about 10ish minutes of learning the basics, you are transported to Lumbridge, where you start your adventure. Most people are probably like, "What do I do now?" at this moment, eventually they either start chopping wood or killing monsters. After doing this for a few hours, you decide to start a quest, which I say loosely because they are mostly the same thing: some idiot needs you to fetch something/kill something/deliver something for them. So you do that and you get some XP and sometimes an item after you've completed it. Then you go back to killing monsters/chopping wood/cooking/mining/etc, etc. Along the way, you may make some friends and so you talk with them as you are doing your activity. Then you do some more quests, then go back to doing your activity, rinse and repeat for about a month.

After a month of this, you have increased your combat level or whatever level to a pretty decent level, between 40-50. So you think your hot sh*t and decide to go show off and then you end up getting your a** handed to you and you lose pretty much everything. Many players will quit the game after this but some will suck it up and go train some more. It takes a long time to increase your level at this point in your RS life but you persevere and your skill level is now respectable, about 60-70. Also, at this point you have completed all the free quests and have full rune armor, which is totally awesome according to you. Then you see someone with Rune armor with gold trim and all of a sudden your armor sucks. So you decide to get more $$$ by mining/chopping wood/cooking/etc.

Yeah, this is the basic life of a RS player. I was lucky to quit when I did before it totally consumed my life. I quit with a combat level of 78 and full rune armor. Pretty bad but it could have been a lot worse. I highly suggest staying away from this game unless you want it to consume your soul and take your life away from you, because it will. It will.