Fun at first but kinda gets boring after a while

User Rating: 8 | RuneScape WEB
I started my Runescape account about a year ago.I found the game to be very interesting and fun at first.

You start off by making an account then creating your own character, then you enter a tutorial, which takes quite some time to finish. The tutorial helps you out on the basics of the game, (cooking, smithing, fighting).

Leveling Up:
When you finally begin the game, you are at level 3. To level up, you must buy upgrades like new swords and armor. To get money, you can kill level 2 Goblins or do jobs for different people like Gilly Goats at the farm. After you level up your attack, defence, etc. your combat level may go up. BTW, you can also gain money by selling and buying stuff at the "Grand Exchange:.

Grand Exchange:
The Grand Exchange, (G.E.), is located in the northern map. Its a very busy and great place (like a bank) where you sell your stuff to gain money and when you have enough money, you buy upgraded armor and weapons and other items.

You can find a job at almost every corner of Runescape. There wil be different NPC, (non-player characters) that you can speak to and if you ask for a job, they will see if they have anything availabe and they will assign you that job. Jobs can very fro mcutting 20 logs to killing 30 Goblins, and you get amount of gold coins equal to the difficuly of your job.

Quests are fun but can get complicated. To start a quest, simply go to the quest menu, then each quest info will give you, well, info on where to go to start the quest like you may have to meet up with someone in northern lumbridge. For each quest you complete, you gain money and quest points, and maybe another reward as well.

The Good: fun for a short while, fun to interact with other online players,

The Bad: gets boring eventually, gets repetitive, leveling up can get tedious,

Final Ratings-

Gameplay: 9/10

Graphics: 7/10

Sound: 8/10

Controls: 8/10

Fun Factor: 8/10

Final Score: 40/50 > 8/10: great

Well, those re the basics of Runescape. I do recommend that you start a runescpae account at Its a free game with no downloads required. If you want any more info, just PM me, Yellow_Flash76, if you want to add me as a friends on Runescape Well, bye for now!