A good game, but has been underestimated.

User Rating: 8.1 | Rune PC
Rune is another game of action of the same kind of other thousand, may be that is one of the reason whereat almost nobody knows this game and and received serious critics. May be if the game came a few years before, it should be a big bang, but if we compare this game with the actual action games, Rune doesn't show to us anything relevant and has some bad points, wherever the game isn't bad, but there are many games better.

The history, for someone like me, is the best of the game, immerse in a obscure atmosphere, fighting vs beasts and barbarians; and the future of your friends depend on you. It is not an original theme but now is so difficult to be original.

In the graphics the game is regular, we see the enemies and the scenarios with nice textures, but nothing extraordinary, and i have to mention that the game has some bugs and problems.

The FX, and music are regular, they only helps you to heard something, but they should takes you to that virtual reality that all we look in an action game.

The game has a multiplayer mode, but it isn't very popular. In the campaign mode the history is almost lineal and a few levels later is really bored just to kill the enemies (always with the same tactics) and solve some puzzles. You will increase your level, strong, life, but these aren't very significant cause the enemies will have the same power compared with you.

Finally, Rune is a good game, but only one more game and not a one to remember. If you like this kind of playmode and this thematic it's a good option to finish the game one time, and never play it again.