I feel as if my collection of games has somehow been tainted after owning this game.

User Rating: 1.9 | Rune: Viking Warlord PS2
I first bought this game because it came in a package with Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance (with which I was pleased) however I was not turned away when I first saw it. It looked pretty exciting and had the potential for being a good game. So I popped it in my PS2 and waited for it to load... about 5 minutes later I was still waiting for it to load. And then it started, and then the video was over... and I had to wait for it to load for another 5 minutes... After all the loading was done, all that was left was mediocre gameplay, with a weak story, and not so hot controls. But I played on. Dying was easy in this game, but something about it still intrigued me, even though everytime I died I had to wait for the ungodly loading times. I was determined to play this game and actually have it make sense. But the more I played, the less it made sense, and the less I was intrigued. I tryed playing the 2 player battle arena mode which was almost mildly entertaining. Unfortunately neither of us could figure out how to battle each other with any skill or sensibility so we abandoned the idea. I kept this game in my collection, hoping that on a rainy day it's bland performance might seem good to me and I would want to play it. After all the instruction manual looked cool, and the disc was pretty awesome looking as well. I'm afraid to say those were the only redeeming qualities of this game. Please, do yourself a favor and do not buy this game, it is by all means one of the worst games (if not the worst game) I have ever played. Don't rent this game either, in fact just save yourself the time and do NOT play this game. If a friend has it and asks you to try it out, run away, they are obviously not your friend. If you see someone trying to buy it in a store, tell them to save their money and go buy a soda or something, or at least a better game. I feel as if my collection of games has somehow been tainted after owning this game.