Rune Factory Frontier. Not just another spinoff.

User Rating: 8.5 | Rune Factory Frontier WII
Before you think "Oh no another Harvest Moon spinoff" think about this. This is actually the 3rd game in the Rune Factory series. There fore it is now officially its' own series and can no longer be called a spinoff. Now onto the review.

If you have played Harvest Moon you probably will agree that it is fun for the first few hours of gameplay but then it begins to get repetitive. Well un Rune Factory Frontier you shall not think this. Thanks to the games' dungeon crawling aspect there is plenty to do aside from farming, and courting a wife.

Graphics: 9/10: You know what many will say the graphics don't compare to many games on the Wii well I disagree. The landscapes are beautifully crafted and the characters don't look like children as they did in the HM series. Not to mention the anime style cutscenes were a nice touch.

Sound: 8/10: The soundtrack was nicely composed. Each area had its' own music and the music wasn't horrible at all. The slight addition of voice over work was not a bad touch. My only complaint was due to the addition of voice over work a lot of the times the voices seemed very cartoony and fake.

Gameplay: 9/10: The gameplay was smooth and easy to pick up. The ease of the controls also helped make the gameplay uncomplicated.

Final score: 8.5/10: All in all a good game. However if you are a fan of the Harvest Moon or Rune Factory series simply go out and buy this game. With the limitless amount of stuff you can do you will waste many game hours on this.