Harvest Moon with a touch of adventure! A great RPG for the Wii.

User Rating: 9.5 | Rune Factory Frontier WII
When I saw the Japanese website for this game, I couldn't WAIT to get my hands on it. The graphics are beautiful, the music is pleasing, and the characters grow quickly on you. Things for you to do include growing crops, hunt monsters, catch monsters as pets, fish, cook, forge, make accessories, and of course make a relationship and eventually marry.

Many characters from the first Rune Factory for the DS have returned. Although I've only played the 2nd Rune Factory, I find Rune Factory Frontier a lot more fun to play. Interaction between characters are more interesting and even funny at times, and the voice acting is decent.

The main feature that's new from the first two games are Runeys. These are little elemental sprites that float around that you can eventually catch later on and exchange them to an NPC for special miracles, or you can place them in different areas around town to make things grow faster.