Another solid game from Natsume.

User Rating: 8.5 | Rune Factory 2 DS
Last year Rune Factory came to America and was well received by fans. A year later we have 2 now and it offers more of the same, not that it's bad. If you played one than you'll have no trouble picking this one up and playing it, if you have not then you'll pick it up thanks to the user friendly interface. The one big change I noticed is now characters are now smaller, meaning combat is now a little harder theres just more directions to go off instead of hitting the monster you were aiming for. It's annoying at first but easy to come to grips with. 2's big hook is that it expands over two generations and it sort of pays off. The first generation seems like an afterthought. The only point is to get married and get enough wood for the school. You can't really explore the caves at all and the pacing can be a bit to slow. Once the kid takes control thats when things get more interesting and feels like RF 1. The only big complaint I have is the pacing. In the caves you'll be asked to get an idome. A lot of them you can't get in one day so you'll have to spend a few days to get it. Also leveling up is a big part of the game and can be a real pain. That being said RF 2 is an enjoyable rpg with just a few slow spots.