Neat Graphics, Cool Characters, Intriguing Story Line. Simply one of the better point and click adventure games to date.

User Rating: 8.9 | Runaway: A Road Adventure PC
This game simply brings you back to the old days of adventure games and gives you a little breath of fresh air with the comic like characters. You get to explore many different places and look for many different items, some worthless and some worth your while. The characters are a breath of fresh air to talk with as they all have their own little unique characteristics and flaws. The story sucks you in and you just can't wait to find out how it is going to end. You don't need to, BUT, you should play this game before playing Runaway 2, just to get what the 2 main characters are all about. Besides "Runaway", is way worth the $19.00. So if you have not played this game yet - it's a must!!!