Eyecandy and a promise of a classic game, but it miss the mark

User Rating: 7.9 | Rumble Roses PS2
If you are in search for a good VOUYERISTIC experience whit your ol',trusty PS2, this game is for you. The guys at Konami may havent noticed, but the engine powering this game is just FANTASTiC!!!! here you can find one of the best graphics for the PS2 (it run fast, smooth, the camera angles are right most of the time, with no important blind points), the load times are just right, and the controls ares one of the best (if not the best) I ever found for a wrestling game! And the gameplay is fast, simple and without unnecessary flashes, whistles and bells, just fun. You can learn to play the game fast, and then on there is only more fun, with a good number of holds, killer moves, letal moves, humilliation moves different form one character to another. Well thinked, if with all the failores this game has, it is still a good game and it is worth your money... what about a game with all this tinkered up? All this said, what is wrong? Well, first the game is TOO SHORT. Even at HARD dificulty, with most of the characters if you have some experience with some other wrestling game (let's say ANY WWE) you can finish this game WHITHIN AN HOUR (average is 25 - 35 min). This could not be bad, if there were no more important failures... The girls voices ares uninspiresd most of the time, and the "whims" shouts and cryes throw you back to the 32 to 64 bits consoles age (Im telling you the truth!) The voices ares fine, and with a good direction Im sure the girls after they may shine, but the way they sound in this game, you cant help but think someone just hired them, give them a notebook sheet with the dialogs and exclamations hand written a few minutes before and ask this girls to read it without more explanation. The storyline is even worst, if possible, full of bored cliches (the school teacher searching for her pupil, the oriental girl trying to prove herself before the eyes of her mother, the mas scientist trying to got the perfect bodies of other wrestlers (!!!!!!!!!!!) to build the ultimate wrestler-woman-machine, the little girl in search for her mother and syster, et cetera ad nauseam. This is a good (or at least not so bad) game, and could be a lot better if someone at Konami took a few hours to think about the flaws and fix it in the RUMBLE ROSES 2 (yes, im hoping there is gonna be a second part!) What, in name of GOD where thinking at hte programers house of those magnificent games like WWE: Here comes the pain and WWE Raw vs Smack! ? I dunnow, but I hope they fix it for the next iteration. Mean while, this is still a good game