User Rating: 7.8 | Rumble Roses PS2
This game is overall "OK" its by far not the greatest. First of all the graphics are great and they do well on the PS2. The soud is ok. They sound have left the song "Yankee Rose" alone and kept David Lee Roth singing it. The other music is like the game simply "OK". Soudn effect are done pretty well...VOICE OVERS ARE PRETTY LAME AND SO IS THE STORY LINE BUT after all the story lines on WWE are pretty lame LOL... the controls for the game are pretty well like other wrestling games and not hard to get the hang of and each character handles pretty well. Overal like i said this game is pretty good...i got it from FYE for $9.99 and i wouldn't pay much more than that for it and it is hard to sure you could get it on ebay for that price or less but it is worth checking out!!!