And the winner of "Dumbest Name Ever" is!....

User Rating: 3.5 | Ruiner Pinball JAG
Are you serious? No, really! I understand not every game can be Half Life or The Legend of Zelda, in terms of whether it's an involving concept that you really have to work at in order to solve; and not every game will win Pulitzer Prizes for its wordplay skill as far as the title. But who were the insomniacs or drunks they pulled from the company lineup when it came time to name *this* game? Why didn't they call it "Total Disaster Pinball," or the "Pinball Game that Brings Your Day to a Crashing Halt"? "Ruiner"!? I don't like to be too rude, but I'm going to chalk this up to the same amateurish acquaintance with translation skills that makes putting together furniture or giant stereos so much fun.

Ruiner. Really.

You'd be better off playing actual pinball in the arcade. Please.