If you love the game of Rugby...

User Rating: 8.6 | Rugby 06 PC
Let's face it - Rugby is not big in the USA and hence the fact that there are so few reviews and Currently Playing folks out there listed for this game here at GameSpot.

However, having read the few other reviews here, it's fairly obvious what the issue is, namely that it appears that all four (at the time I wrote this review) come from countries like mine where Rugby is big.

In fact, here in South Africa Rugby is not a matter of life and death, it's more important than that!

So, given that basic premise I definitely have to agree with all the other reviewers regarding Rugby '06 - it's good, very good as far as bringing a fairly complex contact sport to your PC or whatever other game device you use.


This is a vast improvement over previous versions and it's clear that the developer has put a lot of effort into several additions that make the overall feeling almost like a real rugby match. It's fast-paced and covers most of the basic aspects of the sport including long passes, hand-off's, dive tackles, quick line-outs and some other fancy stuff.

The only area that I believe still needs some improvement are aspects related to rucking and general loose-forward play such as forcing turn-over's with better flank forwards, etc. for those who know the game.

By the way, if you don't have a game pad and are trying to play this on a PC, don't even bother. By the same token, my eight year old son who also plays Rugby of course, took the game like a fish to water and with gamepad in hand, it's still quite challenging and a lot of fun.


The graphics are as good as any I have seen for similar games in the sports genre, if not better.


The sound is fairly good but nothing special here. The commentators are a bit boring after a while, but then who cares - nobody listens to them anyway!


The value here will depend largely on the premise I set out at the beginning of the review and will only apply if you love the game.

Who Should Buy It:

Anyone who has played Rugby and/or understands and loves the game and has a gamepad if you are going to play on a PC.

Who Shouldn't Bother:

Just about everyone else, unless you want to learn something about one of the best contact sports in the world!