Outside of the difficulty understanding and using the script function of this game, it's truly an exciting game.

User Rating: 9.4 | RPG Tsukuru XP PC
RPG Maker XP started out as a game that only true RPG web-serfers knew about. It could be found on its creator's homepage, and a few other sites that stole the link and allowed you to download it for free(I value these sites as they supply some pretty cool RPG Maker XP resources, so I won't say any names. Never!). Alot of thoses sites have been shut down and replaced with fanboy sites that give you a 30-Day trial that takes about 7 hours to download, 5 hours more than the free download, and half of them don't work.

The originals supplied an English help manual and some resources built in to them. Most new downloads must be completed from scratch (Photoshop recommended).

For the most part, the game is easy to understand. They have many integer inputs for attack, defense, and such, description inputs, BGM and background options, ability to make your own maps, monsters, players, storyline, the whole enchilada - and its so easy!

Then... there's the scripts. The evil, evil, scripts. Remeber that game where a fat man is asleep in your path, and there's no way around him? But then when you kill the boss in that town or something similar, he's up and out of your way? Scripts are responsible for this. And trust me, scripts are your worst enemy.

RPG Maker XP was most likely made for young children to make their own charaters and mosters, some pitiful maps, and have them duel each other. They did, however, include scripts so that advanced players could make a good game. Scripts and events are the most difficult part of this game, and for a good game, are the most part.

The graphics are great. The game appears like a Nintendo game Boy Advance, with high detail color and smooth play. And, on the PC, these games look even better than GBA's.

The sound is good too. In addition to the preloaded midi's, sfx's, bgm's, etc., you can go to vgmusic.com and download your favorite music from your favorite video games and put them in your game! Like boss music from NES games, to bgm's from Sonic Adventure 2 Battle for the GameCube. All of that, takes only about 1.5 seconds to download on dial-up.

I highly recommend you either buy this game from its creator's site, or get it fom someone who has. This game should not be missed.