Is not worth

User Rating: 1 | RPG Maker VX PC
Well, this is FAR from being better than XP. Its true that it has cool features, like making doors, inn, and chest with just a click, but the down sides are awful: 1) the lack of titleset variety. In xp you have a LOT of maps to choose depending of your need, beach, castle, dungeon, farm, church, etc. In VX you don't. Of course you can add new maps, but its too annoyin and the library on the web is almost nule. This is the main reason Xp is far superior to VX.
2) Oh, you have face option on dialogs, wooow, well, cool... but, the battles for example, you only see the names of the characters, you dont see the pictures. Of course, it can be done via script, but its an unnecesary step when you can have it done at no cost on XP.
there are other issues, but the main subject is the available media. So, conclusion, i stick with XP y far!!